Navigating the Unknown: My First WordCamp Adventure!

Those are the statements I often use whenever I introduce myself in our Meetups. You may wonder, why. What is the reason I joined the community? Honestly, At first I don’t know. And a lot of people doubted my intentions so I almost gave up. But I stand proud. Why? Cause I have people who are supporting me.

I guess the feeling of attending my first WordCamp still lingers. I just can’t believe that I did it. That WE did it.

From Attendee to Organizer real quick. I still recall the first meet-up I attended way back in January. All I did was stay in one corner. Little did I know that my “first meetup” would lead me to excitement, challenges, and a few plot twists.

I remember one of my co-organizer said that attending a meetup and meeting people “is addicting” and you will start craving for it.

Zero experience but I dove headfirst into organizing my first WordCamp. Yes! I am a rookie with passion. So how does it feel to be an organizer? hmmm… It’s like weaving a Banig (traditionally a handwoven mat in Filipino culture) for the first time. You have your materials, you do some research on how to do it, and you check how others are doing it. Then you will imagine how you want the BANIG (event) to look. You’ll put in effort, time, and patience, and stay dedicated because you will be amazed by the results of other weavers (organizers).

Just like organizing WordCamp, you start navigating the unknown. The threads of the venue, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers. Is like an Abaca (WordPress Community) waiting to be woven into a Banig. It demands a unique blend of creativity, dedication, and a willingness to have a beautiful Banig.

Weaving a Banig and organizing a WordCamp are both HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE. You learn something with every move you make. And you get excited as you progress because you are starting to see the outcome of your effort.

And then the banig you created, becomes a WordCamp where stories are shared, and connections are formed.

And, I must confess that during the organizing process, I experienced a spike of excitement followed by a growing sense of pressure. There are moments of self-doubt and of course the joy of being an organizer. Fortunately, the organizing team serves as my guide with every step I make. The collaboration and mutual support within our team have become our pillar of strength. Despite being professionals operating across different time zones, we consistently dedicate at least one hour each week to come together and stay connected.

Many last-minute adjustments, swag preparation, an incomplete script, 300 badges lacking holes, a 5 AM wake-up call, updates to the website, and many more. It was truly a roller coaster ride, filled with emotions, learning experiences, and unforgettable moments. Each challenge turned into a chance for us to grow and learn.

A huge shoutout to our Venue, Bayview Park Hotel, especially to Ms. Sean and her team. We sincerely value all the support you provided.

It’s awesome that people who love and support WordPress came from different places to help out. Never did I imagine that I would be part of this amazing community. Organizers, Sponsors, Speakers, Attendees, and Volunteers from Japan, Nepal, Indonesia, Iloilo, Cebu, Davao, Rizal, CDO, Bulacan, and all over the world got together last November 11 in Wordcamp Manila: Weaving Technology and Community.

The best advice I can give to anyone who’s afraid of trying new things is “You will never know what will happen until you try”. Always remember that failure is part of your success. Enjoy it. Celebrate little wins and learn from the mistakes you made. My primary regret is not capturing more moments through photos; I have fewer than 10 on my phone. But I still believe that some memories elude the lens but remain etched in our eyes, hearts, and minds.

Thanks for being part of My FIRST WordCamp journey! I’m looking forward to writing more entries in my WordCamp diaries. Join me as we explore new possibilities, adventure, and more tales from the community. Let’s create more memories together!

The journey of being a WordCamp organizer is really incredible I can’t find the best word to describe the experience. And if I get another shot at it, please count me in.

Cheers to more meetups and WordCamps that I can contribute to — this is just the beginning!

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