My First-Time Travel Diaries: International Edition – Taipei, Taiwan

I never imagined I’d get the chance to leave the country, let alone for something as exciting as WordCamp Asia! Before this, I never even considered getting a passport—traveling wasn’t on my radar, especially since I get lost so easily. But WordPress changed all that.

Preparing for the trip was nerve-wracking. I meticulously organized every document to ensure a smooth experience at immigration, and luckily, it went off without a hitch. Thank you to my WordPress community who took the time to answer my questions and share helpful tips.

From stepping onto a plane for the first time to landing in Taiwan, everything felt surreal. The excitement of finally taking off and watching the world shrink below me was an experience I’ll never forget.

Back in 2023, I attended my first WordPress meetup, never expecting that a year later, I’d be writing about my first international journey.

WordPress ignited a strong passion in me that I eagerly applied for my passport, driven by the excitement of joining the global community. Thanks to my sponsor, Pantheon, my dream became a reality.

When I started with WordPress, I had zero knowledge. I remember the early days of feeling completely lost, trying to wrap my head around how everything worked. But here I am, writing about my experience in Taiwan—a place I never thought I’d visit—not just for leisure, but for career growth.

Upon arrival, we headed straight to the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) for our volunteer orientation, luggage in tow. I was overwhelmed by the number of volunteers and organizers from all over the world. It hit me—I was part of one of the biggest events in the WordPress community!

The energy in the room was electric, and it was inspiring to see so many people united by a shared passion. There were so many volunteers and organizers from different places and I just can’t believe that this is one of the biggest event I will be part of.

The sense of belonging I felt, even among strangers, was incredible. I realized that the WordPress community is like a global family, always welcoming and supportive.

After the orientation, a group of us Filipinos found a café to unwind before heading to our accommodation. For a moment, we thought we might’ve been scammed because of the sketchy entrance, but it turns out we were just lost—an experience that became a funny story later. Moments like these that make traveling so memorable, turning what could have been stressful into something we can laugh about.

The next day was Contributors Day. I was supposed to just attend, but they needed extra help, and I was thrilled to step in. The chance to contribute to WordPress in this way was incredibly fulfilling. I even got to experience the Human Library, which was eye-opening. It reinforced my commitment to giving back to the community that has given me so much.

Day three in Taiwan was the first day of WordCamp Asia, where I was assigned as Registration Lead. Who would’ve thought I’d be given such a huge responsibility? It wasn’t without its challenges, but I was determined to see it through. Managing registration for such a large event was no small feat, but the support from my fellow volunteers and the enthusiasm of the attendees made it all worth it. The feeling of accomplishment as the day came to an end was something I’ll carry with me for a long time.

My fourth day in Taiwan is the final day of WordCamp Asia and the most memorable. I met Matt Mullenweg, took a picture with him, and even asked him a question. Meeting Matt was surreal; it felt like a full-circle moment from when I first started using WordPress. His words of wisdom and encouragement resonated with me deeply.

That same day, we got lost in Taiwan again—what an adventure!

Each night after the event, we explored different parts of Taiwan, walking around 20,000 steps daily. We visited Taipei 101, toured Jiufen, went stamp hunting, strolled through night markets, tried new foods, and bought pasalubong. Every corner of Taiwan had something new to offer, from the towering skyscrapers to the quaint, winding streets of Jiufen. The night markets were a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and tastes—I tried foods I’d never even heard of before! And, of course, I made sure to bring back some pasalubong for my family and friends, a little piece of Taiwan to share with them.

This trip was more than just my first international travel—it was the beginning of something truly special. It taught me that stepping out of my comfort zone, no matter how intimidating, can lead to the most rewarding experiences. I’m grateful for the journey I’ve started with WordPress and excited for where it will take me next.

I’m excited to see where this adventure leads next!

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